martedì 18 marzo 2008

Odore di polvere da sparo nel vecchio continente

UN officer dies after Kosovo riot

[...]The Ukrainian officer who died had been part of a special unit which had moved in to the courthouse, arresting more than 50 Serbs.[...]

[...]The UN says 41 policemen are still being treated for their injuries.

Eleven French officers have been flown home for treatment. Ukrainians and Poles are also among the wounded.

Doctors say a Serb demonstrator who was shot in the head is in a coma, fighting for his life.

Nato admitted its troops had used "both lethal and non-lethal means" - but had only shot in the air.

Officials in Belgrade have accused the UN and Nato of using excessive force against demonstrators. Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin also suggested there had been a lack of restraint.[...]

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